Are there things about Conductive Education or the health and fitness industry that you would like me to write about? Condition specific topics or something new in research or treatments or something about your condition in the news? Advice needed or challenges we can hash through? Things that make you crazy or angry, that get your heart pounding, or that you just want to to see if others are experiencing? I would love you to send me your ideas or questions - I would love to engage you more in my posts and to be able to be responsive to what interests you. I won't know the answers to everything you ask me but I will either do my research or find someone to answer things for us. I want to see this blog be a connective tool that serves the Transformations and Conductive Education community. I want to hear from you!
I also would love to have guest blog posters - perhaps you are a conductor or other health or fitness industry professional that has something to say, would like to tell other people about your expertise or services, or would like to have a conversation or dialogue with me. Maybe you are a service user, a client, a consumer, with a rant you want to get off of your chest, something that might help the world understand your perspective, something you have learned from the university of life. Maybe you want to give blogging a try to see how putting it out there feels for you before you start one of your own. Don't be shy - I can help you with editing if you want it, you can be anonymous if you prefer, let's get it out there!
So big bad world way out there on the other side of my iPad - tell me what you want, make suggestions, ask questions, send me your guest posts, make some NOISE - is the best way to find me or message me of Facebook, or call, text, even send me some snail mail. This offer is open and ongoing - I'd love to hear from you and I'd love to see this blog grow from being something that is just my random ramblings into something that brings value to this community. I can't wait to hear from you - game on - who will hit me up first?
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